Tuesday, January 19, 2010


As I sit in my place in midtown, the rain beating down on the roof, I stare out the window. People are walking by, the rain soaking them to their cores. I am reminded once again of metaphors about the rain and how it washes away SO many things. I can not help but think of the pain, secrets, and worries that are being "washed" from these individuals lives.
Rain is such a purifying force! We are only a few weeks into this new year I hope as these rains fall they will leave me with a sense of new beginnings and that I am ready to let the old wash away and the new to replace it. This is going to be a refreshing year. As refreshing as the rain that now hits my window with such beautiful force.

With Love!

Friday, January 15, 2010

My heart is broken...but not for long

I have been overwhelmed the past few days with the constant media coverage of the earthquake in Haiti. My heart breaks every time I see images of the devastation there, but in the same respect something deep down inside me feels a sense of hope and happiness. I know that sounds sick and twisted, but please hear me out. One way that I clear my mind and come acquainted with my constantly jumbled thoughts is to take walks. As I have walked through midtown the past few evenings I have seen people (who normally would not be talking) coming together to discuss this tragedy. I have heard stories of loss and healing. I have watched people from all different religious/spiritual beliefs join hands (and resources) to reach out to those they do not even know. This past holiday season I became a bit disgusted with the materialistic, selfish attitudes of our nation and society. These past few weeks I was reminded of the goodness of people and the blessings I feel living in such a diverse and socially conscious place like midtown. So, please forgive me for feeling a little bit of hope in the midst of this disaster. I am holding on to it with every image I see in the newspaper or on TV, because without this hope our world will never heal. If we keep having discussions and putting others before ourselves Haiti will heal and so will mankind.
With Love!!!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Coffee and Love???!!!


As I sit here sipping my iced coffee. I am surrounded by two first dates. The couple on my right seem to have met on myspace. Both are 21 and are shooting interview like questions back and forth. The guy is saying some very odd things which include: "Some kid pooped his pants in front of me yesterday in line", "If you ever decide to not wear a shirt, I have a buddy who lives in the woods and we run around naked all the time...", and "I know this place in Vegas where we can get like 103 proof alcohol...we could be drunk at noon if we want". (He seems like such a winner). The girl's body language is definitely closed off...do you blame her?

The couple behind me sound like they were hooked up by their friend. The exact opposite is happening with these two. The man seems very put together and quiet. The woman on the other hand is VERY loud and over the top. She keeps talking about how trashed she got this weekend and how she can't remember what exactly happened over the weekend. As she moves closer...the man moves even farther away.

I LOVE PEOPLE WATCHING!!!! Local coffee shops are once again the modern day singles clubs. I am so glad that I am married...I don't think I could survive being single in this Internet, caffeine soaked scene. Dating in this new era, it's a totally new world!!!!